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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.Crape Myrtle and Weeping Pussy Willow both did not bloom this year

Zone Middletown NJ | Anonymous added on May 26, 2020 | Answered

I have a Weeping Pussy Willow planted about 6 years ago and a Crape Myrtle planted 2 years ago. Both were fine last year. Both did not have any buds or leaves this spring and both now have a lot of little shoots coming out of the tree trunk but nothing on the branches. I’m In NJ. How can I save them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 27, 2020

It looks like the weeping pussy willow succumbed during the winter. The green growth on the trunk is from the rootstock of the graft and not the desirable upper tree.

Did you have a colder winter than usual? Crape myrtles are hardy in zones 7-10 and you are in zone 7, so right on the edge. In a cold winter, sometimes the top growth dies, but the roots do not and it will regrow from the roots if cut back. You can scratch off some of the bark and if it is green, the branches are still alive and it may just be late blooming. If not, the branch is dead and should be removed. If they are all dead, cut the crape myrtle to the ground and if the roots survived, it will regrow.


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