Q.Crape Myrtles
When rooting a crape mrytle, do I cover the whole limb and pot in the plastic bag or just the pot it’s in with the limb sticking out? How do I get my crape mrytle to grow tall and out like an oak tree instead of tall and straight? What keywords do I look for when purchasing, like vertical, upright, etc. ? I want my crape mrytle to look tall and full like an oak. Also, I would like 1-2 trunks, not multiple trunks per tree. Can you help me?

Here is a list of articles about crepe myrtles: http://www.google.com/cse?cx=012078378210706707791%3Af1h5n_k1r5e&ie=UTF-8&q=grow+oak+from+acorn&oq=&gs_l=#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=crepe%20myrtle
Bear in mind that crepe myrtles are not oaks, therefore they do not grow like an oak. If you want a tall variety, the nursery should be able to assist with your selection. If they cannot, make sure the tag does not say miniature or dwarf when describing the variety. There is an article on propagation in the above list...we propagate by tip cutting, rooting hormone and a mist on demand system. Woody limbs will not root. If you want a single trunk, buy a single trunk, and keep any others cut out.