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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Cracking tomatoes

Zone Apple Valley, Ca High Desert area | Anonymous added on August 5, 2018 | Answered

As my tomatoes almost reach full size they crack from the stem down. I have been keeping the container pots very moist as I read that in the heat the skin become tuff if there is not enough water. They still crack. I plant them early and grown Arkansas Travelor, Celebrity and a German Queen. At my location on the High Desert of Ca the temp
is mostly in the 100’s by mid July. The cracking looks like the pics you seen on the web. Oh the German Queen
cracks in a circular fashion. My potting soil is the Miracle Grow brand with fertilizer in it.

Any ideas———Thanks James

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 10, 2018

Tomatoes actually tend to crack if they get too much water, so that might be your problem. This article should tell you more:

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