Q.Crabapple tree suppose to be resistant to bad bugs. I Have eraser size burrs (end of a pencil). These tan color burrs on the leaves.
Dear Ladies, My problem is with a Crabapple tree I brought in the beginning of summer.
It was suppose to be resistant to bad bugs! I Have eraser size burrs(end of a pencil) these tan color burrs on the leaves. I have used a mix of Neem & SalSuds soap it works great for all my flowers, fruits & veggies .It takes time to ride of the pest.
When is rains the solution washes off. So I use it often.
I do not like chemicals that damage the environment, also want to protect bees, butterflies, worms, birds etc. Any ideas?
I could send a pic on my cell if that is ok?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Although I'm not a lady... I do believe I can help you with your problem! Ha ha :)
So, what this appears to be, is a bacterial, or fungal issue. Fortunately, this can be an easy fix. I have a personal recipe that I like to use for both soil infections, and insects. You don't have to have every ingredient, but when you do, it is unstoppable. My recipe is as follows:
First, you will want to prime the ground with dolomitic lime, then spread wettable sulfur to Kill off any infection in the soil. I Also like to spray the plant itself. Mix a few drops of one or more of these ingredients into warm water with a spoonful of coconut oil: Rosemary oil, lavender oil, neem oil, garlic oil, cinnamon extract/oil and for really bad cases, also add clove oil.