Q.cover naked soil
I have a relatively big area on a slope towards the sidewalk where there are just a few shrubs. I would need something that covers the naked soil so that I don’t have to fight weeds all the time. I have heard that mustard seeds/greens would be a solution, as they are annual and would cover everything.
(we are renting temporarily a house in the DC area, so I don’t want to invest big amounts in landscaping)
Thanks for any suggestions!
Mustard family plants grow and seed so well that many are listed as invasive. Check with your landlord first as complaints from neighbors will go to him/her. And while it may not be a true perennial, seed will sprout next spring in your yard and the neighbors' yards. Annuals easily grown from seed include alyssum, rockcress, nasturtium, Portulaca or moss rose, and trailing petunias. Also consider annual vinca, Vinca catharanthus, if you buy plants. You didn't say how much sun the area gets or how dry the soil tends to be. Make sure your choice fits your situation.