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Leucothoe Plant

Q.Could You Please Suggest What Kind Of Leucothoe I Have? I Have It Narrowed Down To Three Possibilities.

Zone 02421-6221 | amytrupe added on May 24, 2020 | Answered

Hi – I have a beautiful leucothoe that doesn’t have the typical dark leathery green leaves. It has a lighter color leaf, new growth is a copper redish color, has the white bells, and I don’t recall significant color in the fall or winter – nothing blazing red or burgundy. Graceful arching. It’s relatively new in my summer shade garden (we’ve had it one year) that receives a great deal of sun once the leaves drop from the Norway maples during the fall season in conservation land behind the garden. I enjoy how it brings a lightness into this shade garden. I’d really like to add four matching leucothoe, however different gardening centers give different answers on what it might be. Seems that it could be the Racemosa – but not seeing brown stems yet, or Coast, or Rejoyce. I’m glad to send several photos by email if you could let me know your email address. Thank you in advance!! Amy in Massachusetts.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 26, 2020

Unfortunately, your photos didn't come through, here.

I am unable to ID the plant. Even with seeing it, many species can only be identified through genetic sequencing.

You could always ask your local extension service, though:


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