Q.Corylopsis Pauciflora Dying
I had two corylopsis pauciflora and I live in zone 8a (Texas) . I ordered both online and they were healthy when I received them. Only until late summer do the leaves start to burn. They were both in a tube sized pot when I got them and I leave them in their pots keeping them in a shaded area. I water them year round once a day during summer. I also fertilized them before the hot summer months with organic fertilizer. I have tried growing this tree twice but they both died in the spring time after only one leaf bud opens. I tried doing a scratch test a week or two before they came out of dormancy and they were both green underneath. I really love this plant and want to grow one but I just can not keep them alive and I have no idea why they are dying. Do you have any ideas what is going on?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I'm not clear whether the shrubs ever get planted into the ground or stay in containers. If in containers, make sure they are large enough to accommodate the root ball and they are not rootbound. Also, winter hazel requires acidic soil and part sun. It can tolerate most soils except unamended clay soil.
Does it really need water once a day? If so, the containers may not be large enough. Winter hazel only needs moderate moisture.
Also, a late freeze can zap the buds. Check these growing requirements and make needed adjustments.