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Kousa Dogwood

Q.Cornus kousa “Satomi”

Zone Mahone Bay NS Canada | Maggiemuggins43 added on May 20, 2018 | Answered

My tree was purchased last year. It appeared to come through the Canadian winter. Buds formed on the tips of the branches. Then came a frost about two weeks ago. The tiny buds have turned brown. I broke off a very small twig and it is still green. Has it given up on me or is there a chance it will recover? If it does make it what fertilizer should I use? I have acidic soil here in the Maritimes. Thank you. Maggie

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 21, 2018

Buds are formed on dogwoods the previous fall. When frost hits after warm weather has enticed the buds to start opening, the bud fails. A general tree fertilizer at the recommended rate is a good idea for the first 3 years to keep the tree vigorous and healthy. In addition, watering during dry weather is still necessary this year. With weather becoming more erratic, one wonders if dogwoods and magnolias will be regular performers in the northern edge of their range. Lets hope so as they are lovely trees.

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