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Heuchera Plants

Q.Coral Bells And Japanese Maple Compatibility

Zone 08109 | Anonymous added on September 18, 2021 | Answered

Will coral bells thrive if planted around the bole of a Japanese maple considering all of the shade. I would like to get rid of the mulch and the collar to make it more pleasing and to plant a number of Heucherae around the bole in an area about 3 to 4′ in diameter. The shade from the tree is thinning out the grass and I thought a low light plant would thrive there. Are the fertilizer requirements and soil conditions for the separate plants amenable? Also, if this is feasible would you be so kind as to recommend several types of bells I should plant. I know that there is a variety of light requirements for these plants. Thanks Capt Samm

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 20, 2021

I think that it would be an appropriate plant, here! You may have to play around with the cultivar, as generally, the lighter the leaf color, the more light they can handle.

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