Q.Controlling flies on Joe Pye Weed
We have a couple chocolate Joe Pye weeds planted in our flower beds next to our patio. I simply adore the foliage and the white flowers that bloom in late summer/early fall. However, I’m finding the sheer number of flies attracted to the plants overwhelming. If they would stay on the plant, that would be fine, but they usually roam around into our gathering/play spaces, too. How can I control/eliminate the flies?
I have heard of using any citrus, clove and/or basil oil in a suspension with a little dishwashing liquid (2-4 Tab. per 1 gal water) as a spray. Also, planting basil around the plant is supposed to repel flies. Tansy, rue, rosemary and marigolds act as insect repellents. If this doesn't work, neem oil should.