Q.Container vegetable garden i seem to get very large plants but very small and very littel produce from my plants.
The soil i mixed is compost and top soil mix with general garden fertilizer for all my containers. This gives me large plants but very little produce and the leaves turn brown from the bottom of the plants as they grow this applies to tomatoes , cucumbers and peas , and zucchini.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I have my garden in container, exclusively, each year. There are several things to know before you can get a good harvest.
You need drainage. Make sure all containers have drain holes. After about 2 or 3 months, the soil will be depleted of all fertilizers. You will need to replenish them. The fertilizers that you use should not contain slow release nitrogen, such as miraclegro. This will drastically reduce fruit number and size, while giving you amazing leaf growth. Make sure to keep dolomitic lime around, and give all plants a handful every few months. This will supplement calcium, and magnesium. These are the first nutrients to be depleted, and these will also keep your soil pH stable.
These, alone, should solve almost all of your issues. There is still a lot to learn about having a container garden. I do it every year, and have been for a long time, and I still learn new things each time.
This collection of articles will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/containers