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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Container Tree

Anonymous added on May 31, 2011 | Answered

I have a Japanese maple I planted last July in a container. It is about 6 1/2 feet tall. This year it got buds on it but it has failed to go any further. The buds are still there, but small. The tree is alive, but no leaves. What could be the problem?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 1, 2011

Did you provide mulch or other type of insulation to protect the tree during winter? If not, this could have resulted in the delay you are seeing. The tiny buds may have suffered from some cold damage. As long as the tree is still alive, as you say, then it will eventually leaf out. In the meantime, water deeply twice a week or more, especially when the temps begin rising, as container-grown trees require more watering. You could also give it a dose of fertilizer to help promote growth.

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