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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Container Rose Bush

Anonymous added on October 18, 2012 | Answered

I grew a beautiful rose bush in a container on my fire escape this summer. Now that winter is on the way, what should I do with it? I’m afraid it will freeze and die.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2012

You will need to move it to a protected area over winter, preferably indoors since you likely do not have a garage. It will go dormant. Check that the soil does not get too dry; in fact, it may be a good idea to water once monthly over winter. Once spring returns and threat of frost is passed, you can move it back outside and resume your regular care.

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Answered on October 20, 2012

I agree you will need to take it inside. Keep it somewhere cool if you want it to go dormant. I use a moisture meter to keep an eye on the soils moisture in the container over the winter months. It should not be wet but just nicely moist to keep the root system happy.

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