I was given coneflowers and it’s summer..read not to plant in summer what can I do ?
It is better, if one has a choice, to plant in the cooler months of spring or fall. However, with care, you can plant coneflowers in summer. Coneflowers require full sun (6+ hours daily) and well-draining soil that isn't too rich. When native plants are grown in rich soil or with fertilizer, the result is often more green growth than blooms. They self-sow so you always have as many as you want but the extras are easy to pull. Finches love to perch on top of flower stems and eat coneflower seeds. To plant, water the planting hole, put in your coneflower and water as you backfill. Do not fertilize. Now the important part: for several days you must provide shade with anything you can rig up. A pillowcase taped to 2 sticks, leaf bag over a long-handled shovel or large box. After 3 days, remove the shade and watch the plant. If it wilts in the sun, restore the shade. Water when the soil is dry down an inch into the soil. Water as needed all the way through fall. Next year, your coneflower will be drought tolerant.