Q.Composting Tree leaves
My neighbor’s ‘compost’ tree leaves by dumping them in a heavily wooded area across the street (yes, it is a part of the neighborhood property and not considered ‘dumping’). They are next to trees, and there is no turning or maintenance of the leaf piles. In the summer, grass clippings are dumped in there too. The leaves are primarily oak leaves. This past spring, the pile was about 4′ deep. Am I wrong in thinking this is not a good policy? Does this weaken the trees in the woods where the pile is placed? While I agree that composting leaves is a good practice, I am concerned that the method employed is actually not good for the trees in the woods and could lead to tree failure. Online, I can find bits and pieces but no one clear statement on the placement and practice of this compost pile.
Though the leaf and grass will eventually decompose, this is not considered composting.
Most counties have local areas have drop sights for leaves and lawn clippings.
Perhaps if you contact the local county extension office they can help with a better solution for the neighborhood.
Here is a few links to help you.