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Q.Compost in Winter

Zone 5 | Ajhall added on September 10, 2011 | Answered

I’m making my first attempt at composting. My composting bin consists of 2 pallets set about 4 feet apart and up against a chain-link fence as a backing. I live in Zone 5. What do I do with/about the compost pile over the winter? Does it go dormant? Can I add to it thru the winter?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 17, 2011

You can just leave it. You can add to it, though what you add will likely not decompose much, but the cold will keep it from smelling until it gets warm again and the composting begins again.

Some compost heaps in your zone can continue to compost if they are kept active because they will stay hot. This would require regular turning, though and, to be honest, the warm pile and food tends to attract animals in the winter so you are best letting it slow down and rest for the winter.

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