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Zone 22903 | Nuraying added on April 15, 2018 | Answered

My rotator drum-shaped compost bin is FULL of food scraps, fall leaves, and green matter- leaves, etc. It is wet as well. I mistakenly kept adding to it weekly until I realized I needed to leave it awhile-I’ve been turning it and have not added any new matter in several weeks. Will it compost?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 16, 2018

Yes, but if it is over full, it can take much longer. You can add Mycorrhiza, which is a beneficial fungus, to the compost. This will help it to move along at a much faster rate.

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Answered on April 25, 2018

Thanks for this- I purchased granular mycorrhizae and have searched for how to add- proportions? use it as is or make a concoction- compost tea? All answers are much appreciated.

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