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Fiddleleaf Fig

Q.Compact Fiddle Leaf Fig plant dropping leaves

Zone Lafayette, CO 80026 | lizbolejack added on November 16, 2017 | Answered

I have a 2.5 foot compact Fiddle Leaf Fig plant that I got about 2 months ago. It has been sitting near my big southwest facing window. I water it about once per week. The leaves on the bottom of the plant have been turning brown and falling off. I haven’t noticed too much new growth, so I’m afraid if leaves keep falling, then there won’t be much plant left! I’m not sure what the problem is- over watering? under watering? not enough light? Any help would be great!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 18, 2017

Even though you seem to be watering correctly, it would appear that this has a fungal infection. Apply wettable sulfur to the soil, along with some dolomitic lime. This will help kill off the infection.

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