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Bermuda Grass

Q.Common Bermuda General Browning. North GA Late August

Zone 7b | cherrmj added on August 27, 2021 | Answered

Sections of my lawn the grass was thin and the hard clay was exposed. I thought… adding a thin layer of mulch would help the grass and reduce water erosion. I have hard wood and some pine woods in the back of my yard. I gathered a few wheel barrels of leaf litter. Decomposing broad and pine leaves and spread over the area. I then mulched the leaves with the mower. This was done two months ago. About 2-3 weeks ago a general browning of the grass began. Not circle spots. Other sections green. I hand core aerated, step on two cores at a time, earlier in the summer. I water medium once a week when dry. Have been doing in the early evening that I will change to early morning going forward. I also have a lawn service once per month. No additional treatment. I mow to 1.5 inches every 5-7 days depending on the rainfall. Also.. Moles, Grubbs and other insects. So… Was the mulch the main cause? Fungus or mold and what treatment? Should I also address the insect issue? The grass is still firmly rooted with the beginning of greening. Any advise would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you for all you do!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 30, 2021

IT sounds like a combination of insect damage, overwatering, fungal disease, and clay soils. This combination makes for a dead lawn.

This is going to be one for your local extension service, as your yard may need serious remediation. Unfortunately, this has a likelihood of spreading beyond your property if not treated.

Here is an article that will help you to find the closest extension to you:


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Answered on August 30, 2021

Hello BushDoctor, Still waiting for an extension office reply.
While I wait... What is your treatment suggestions and thoughts..? Please.

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