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Columbine Plants

Q.Columbine and speedwell dying

Zone Bordentown NJ | Lunabelle7 added on May 27, 2016 | Answered

I live in central NJ. 3 of my supposedly hardy plants are dying: columbine, speedwell and Russian sage. The nearby bee balm and Shasta daisies are beginning to look sad too. Leaves are turning brown and curling; no flowers come at all. Are they affected by the nearby cedars or evergreens? They all get a few hours of early morning sun, then shade. I’ve conditioned the soil with peat moss and Happy Frog. Or is it a bug, or a fungus? Any answers would be greatly appreciated!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 29, 2016

Without any pictures it sounds to me like your plants may be suffering from leaf scorch. Be sure to maintain a healthy water schedule throughout the warmer months to be sure the ground is holding enough moisture for your plants to thrive. You have the right amount of sun exposure so play with your watering schedule until they perk.

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