Q.collecting snap dragon seeds
How do I collect the seeds from the dead plants. I see a little round bulb like thing where there was a flower. Is the seed inside that or are they very tiny little black seeds I get when I try to break one of the round things apart. I hope you can help. Thank you

Snapdragon seeds are extremely small and black. You've identified the seed head. Wait until it is dark brown to black before harvesting seed. Often you'll see the seed pod start to open. This is when the seed is ready. If you are storing seed indoors over the winter, make sure it is completely dry then put it in a glass jar in the refrig or basement - anywhere around 40 degrees F. In zone 5, you can also strew the seed outdoors where you want it to grow next spring. Do not cover the seeds with soil. You will get blooms earlier if you start the seeds indoors in late winter. Here is an article that explains growing snapdragon from seed. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/snapdragon/growing-snapdragon-seeds.htm