Q.Coleus indoor
I started the coleus from a small leaf rooting
It’s in a pot that is very small… 5″ x 3″
It’s sitting on the windowsill that is about 6 inches… It’s extremely healthy and growing like crazy…
The plant is about 3 feet high and 2 feet wideI
My question is… Do I need to repot it in a larger pot? Or can I just keep it in the same small pot .
I don’t want to disturb it if it’s OK to keep it in the small pot.
My other question is how tall can indoor coleus grow?
Thank you very much .

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are a few things I will recommend to do from here. Keeping these indoors isn't hard, but they need much more light than this one is receiving. You will notice how far apart the stems are growing in between leaves- This is the plant reaching for more light. Now, Newer LED house bulbs can be an option to give supplemental light, if you are unable to give the plant more natural light.
Now Let's address the pruning. You can cut this plant back very heavily. It will allow you to keep it in a smaller pot for longer. Cut all of the branches back to about 6-8 inches from the pot. This will help it to bush out, and grow better. You can, then, take these branches and make new plants again.
You may keep it in the same pot if you do all of this. However, if you want to re-pot it into a bigger pot then this would be fine too. These are pretty hardy plants, and it won't suffer from damage.
I had one when I worked for a hydroponic shop that we kept indoors under horticultural lighting in a controlled room, and it was getting so big that we had to throw it out, and start a new cutting. It over-took a 5x5 space, in a 10 gallon pot. So keep in mind that the bigger pot you put it in, the bigger it will get.