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Coleus Plants

Q.Coleus Plants

Zone New Jersey | woody217701 added on April 15, 2015 | Answered

I have been growing coleus plants for many years. I plant them in beds for the summer months and they grow into beautiful bushes. In late fall, I take clippings and place them in water until roots appear. I then plant them in flower pots for the winter months and keep them in a sunny window. The past two years they have been getting some kind of disease. I noticed these white growths on the stems. Can you tell me what is causing this?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 15, 2015

Without a photograph, this is difficult to identify. How healthy do the cuttings look otherwise - do they look wilty? Is your soil soggy - is it possible you are over-watering?

My best theory is that it is mold, mildew or a fungus.

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