Q.Coffee grinds as fertiliser
Not really a question more for gardeningknowhow.com to have a rethink or re-search about using coffee grinds as a plant fertiliser.
According to this article the truth of the matter may be somewhat different to what is the general perception.
Great website by the way. Keep up the good work.
I will definitely agree for the novice gardener. For setting up advanced soil ecology, I find myself using this as a primer for my good microbes, as they attached very easily to the course grains of the grounds. Just as easily as the good microbes attach, so do the bad. If you are going to attempt to use anything that is not fully composted you will always run the risk of getting something bad into your soil.
For the novice gardener, I would always recommend pre-packaged soil, as these people have already went through the trouble of mixing a soil to reach its potential. I, myself, have a mixture that I would never advise someone just starting out to try as their first mixture, as often times it will lead to an over nutrient rich soil with a really really low pH without letting it cure properly.