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Coconut Palm Trees

Q.Coconut Planting

Anonymous added on February 5, 2011 | Answered

What happens if a coconut is just allowed to germinate and sprout vertically and not ‘the coconut point side down’? Some planters say it will bear less than three nuts at fruiting age; is it true? Experienced planters in Basey, Samar, and Philippines say the nut for planting should be chopped on its side and that the chopped side should kiss the soil so that at fruiting time, you can harvest more than 25 nuts per tree.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 11, 2011

I've heard of two ways to get a coconut to germinate~
One way is to plant the coconut pointed end down with the end that was attached to the tree, pointing upward. This method is used when growing in a container.
The other way, when planting in the ground, is to just roll it on the ground and the position it stops in, is the position to plant it in, which will be on it's side. Apparently, the natives of the Philippines agree with this method.
Good luck...you've got a lot more patience than I do!

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