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Clover Plants

Q.Clover seeds? Depth of mulch?

Zone Jackson, Mississippi | Anonymous added on April 12, 2019 | Answered

Where can I buy white clover seeds?

How much mulch do I need in typical flower/shrub bed to keep weeds away?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 13, 2019

Do a Google search for bulk seed. Also try Ebay and Etsy; they are good sources for seed.
Mix your chosen clover seed with fine sand, sawdust, or soil, and broadcast over desired area. If you are seeding a large expanse, you may want to use a broadcast spreader on the smallest setting.
Rake the planted area to lightly cover the seeds. They won’t sprout if buried too deeply. Compress with a roller or by walking over the area. Water regularly until established.

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