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Arum Lilies

Q.Colored Arum Lily

Zone PORT ELIZABETH, SOUTH AFRICA | gouldian added on November 21, 2016 | Answered

Why is it that the flowers change color? I have a number of colors and I have noticed a nice yellow changes into pink, and sometimes orange. Also, the Picaso color changes from the two-tone to cream or light purple and sometimes almost green. A chocolate color has changed to red. Has anybody else experienced the same or have an explanation for what is happening?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 22, 2016

Here is an explanation for why the colored flowers change to green or a streaked green color. Calla lilies are a type of arum lily.

There are also varieties that change color as they mature; This is a varietal trait.

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