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Clivia Plants


Zone UK - West Yorkshire | Anonymous added on December 20, 2017 | Answered

Due to house renovations Clivia has been outside during November/December. Now leaves have withered on ends and plant is looking a bit “weathered”. Had this plant over 35 years and it has flowered regularly (had blooms in October). Think frost might have caused most of the damage. Any advice welcome to bring it back to normal.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 20, 2017

Yes, this is probably frost damage as you've mentioned. But it looks like there are still some healthy leaves, and the middle of the plant and the roots are probably undamaged. The best option is to let the plant recover on its own- cutting damaged leaves off is not necessary. Be sure not to overwater it while it's recovering, because damaged plants often use less water. Removing any flower buds that grow may help the plant focus its energy on growing new leaves.

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