Q.Climbing Rose Is Bend Over
I have a climbing rose growing up a wall but it has been neglected and left to grow wild so now all the branches are entangles and bowed over. Whats the best way to prune it back and add in supports to stop this happening again.

Thanks for the photo. By the looks of things, I would say that rosebush needs a major pruning back. Prune it back to a point where it is manageable again. Remove all dead and badly twisted canes. Then when the new growth comes on, tie it back (also known as training the rose) to the rock wall in a manner that will teach the canes where you want them to grow. This tieing back/training is an on-going process that you must keep up with. Otherwise it will become out of control and bending all over itself. I have pruned these back very hard several times for folks and got them growing in a manageable manner again. It is a lot of work but well worth it.