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Clematis Plants


Zone LS20 9HB | Anonymous added on February 5, 2018 | Answered

Is our clematis dead or just “asleep” for the winter?! Planted in a deepish pot and trained up our garden arch last summer, it was romping away during summer/autumn. However, in winter and still now it appears dead – leaves brown & crumpled up (but still on) and stem also brown and no signs of green or budding. Do we assume it has died? If so, don’t know why it has! Sorry for simplicity of the question, but first time we’ve had one!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 5, 2018

You probably have a Group 3 clematis variety, because these varieties die back in winter, even in regions with a warm winter. That's a good thing, because it allows those varieties to produce more flowers when they regrow. Your clematis should regrow in the spring. It's best to prune them in late winter or early spring as described here:

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