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Fruit Trees

Q.Clay soil.

Anonymous added on August 21, 2017 | Answered

Hello, I have clay and am finding it hard to grow fruit trees. In the next 2 weeks I’m getting someone in to rotary hoe it for me.
I will sprinkle gypsum on top first, however he mentioned to also add mushroom compost.
My question is what ratio should i use. Its a 14m by 8m section to be worked on.
Also how much too. I read somewhere around 1kg a sqm.
Thanks heaps!! 🙂

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 22, 2017

Sprinkling gypsum in your soil will only help soften it up for when it is rotary-tilled, but it won't add any long-term benefit to your soil. You should follow the instructions on the packaging to determine the ratio and how much gypsum to use. This article provides some additional information on using gypsum:


If you really want to improve your clay soil so that you can grow beautiful, healthy vegetable and flower plants, these articles may help you:



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