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Citrus Trees

Q.citrus trees losing fruit

Anonymous added on June 1, 2015 | Answered

My citrus are dropping fruit, some quite large. I am used to seeing a lot of small fruit drop shortly after blossoming but these a much larger than I have seen in the past. Can over watering cause this?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 2, 2015

The trees will shed some fruit if it feels it is unable to support all the fruit that it has, so some loss is normal. But, if you feel the tree is dropping a lot of fruit, you could either have a pollination issue or the tree may be lacking water or nutrients and is shedding fruit to try to preserve itself. Make sure you are attracting pollinators and increase water to the tree when it first starts developing fruit.

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