Q.citrus trees
We live in South Florida. We planted 2 limes and 1 orange tree 3 years ago, and they have yet to bear fruit. They are about 6′. They look healthy; however, they rarely flower and I’ve noticed the leaves curl but do not drop. They are watered by a sprinkler system 2-3 times a week. We fertilize annually and have tried spraying with a water/soap solution. Do you have a solution?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are two things that it might be. The first is that citrus trees generally need 2-6 years before they are mature enough to fruit. Your trees may not be quite mature enough to fruit.
Another possibility is that the trees have too much nitrogen. This causes a lot of foliage to grow with little to no flowers and fruit. Excess nitrogen may also attract pests, which would explain the curled leaves. I would have your soil tested at your local extension office and then add some phosphorous to the soil to encourage blooming.