Q.Citrus Fertilizer
I have oranges (Valencia, Washington Navel, Blood) and lemons (Myers). The leaves on all the trees, especially the oranges, are yellow. I fertilize with regular citrus food from Lowe’s, but it does not seem to be helping. What type of fertilizer do I need and how often do I use it to green up my trees (they are deep watered one time a week)?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would have your soil tested. Yellowing of the leaves is typically either an iron or nitrogen deficiency. Since you fertilize with a regular fertilizer, I will guess that it is iron, which is not always included in regular fertilizer. This article will tell you more about iron deficiency: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/leaf-chlorosis-and-iron.htm