Q.Citronella plant
How do I root cuttings from old plant?

Hi! What is your honey, water, aspirin mixture measurements? My air broke and got very hot inside and outside.. Now my citronella plants is wilted and hanging:(

I love these plants! Very good to keep around. It can be easy to take cuttings from this interesting variety of geranium. Personally, I use a mixture of warm water, honey, and an aspirin tablet. After you take the cutting at about 3 nodes down from the tip of the plant, put them into some light soil, and water in with this mixture. Cover with plastic, or a dome, and put these in a warm dimly lit environment. And keep the soil moist. Not wet, or dry but in between. Check after a week, and transplant. Here is a link that will be helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/scented-geranium/rooting-pelargonium-cuttings.htm