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Citronella Plants

Q.Citronella plant

Zone Jacksonville, FL | Christine Durē added on July 30, 2017 | Answered

I bought a citronella plant from Wal-Mart, and re-poted it when i got home. It was doing very well, but now it’s leaves are turning brown and drying up.It isn’t happening all over the plant, but I’m concerned it will be soon. I do water it with filtered water, and have it in very rich soil. I live in Florida, and the plant is on my front patio. Is it receiving to much sun and burning? HELP!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Liz Baessler
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 31, 2017

Is it only drying up on the side that's getting sun? Citronella plants like full sun, so sunburn isn't likely, but it is possible. How much are you watering it? Citronella is somewhat drought tolerant, so too much water might be waterlogging it.

This article will tell you more about citronella care:

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