Q.Cinder block garden
I created a rather large raised garden with cinder blocks and loved it! Great results for first three years. Then this year nothing grew tall and nothing produced. It was green but that’s it. Tested soil and was told pH is too high. They blamed the blocks for leaching lime. Suggested I tear down blocks and replace with wood. Is there another option? Can I lower pH? Should I line it and with something? I’m so lost without the garden and totally frustrated. Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks

You absolutely can lower the pH in your soil - if in fact that's what the issue was. You might benefit by consulting your local extension office to have a soil test done (https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/what-is-extension-service.htm)
This article may help you:
And this article describes the concern about cinder blocks that you were told about: