Q.Christmas Tree In A Pot Showing Brown Needles.
I have a Christmas tree (traditional) which I keep in a pot in the garden during the year. This one I’ve had for two years, it has occasionally shown some brown needles but not generally at this time of year. The pot is quite large for the roots so it’s not cramped. Could it be too much rain? If I bring it in now will it recover by next week?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are a number of possibilities. Pine trees naturally shed their needles every so often and, if this is the case, you shouldn't worry. The needles naturally shed from the center of the tree. You may just need to clean them up and let the tree do this natural cleansing process.
However, if the tree has been exposed to insects or has a disease, you have a different problem on your hands. If you're seeing signs of infestation, treat it with neem oil a couple times. It will also drop needles if it experienced an earlier period of drought. You may want to give it a thorough irrigation before bringing it in. If it needs to be repotted, this article should be helpful: