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Christmas Trees

Q.Christmas Tree

Zone 97420 | djmu1@aol.com added on December 16, 2016 | Answered

No water (absolutely none) is being taken up by the tree. I checked the needles prior to purchase and they didn’t fall off upon gently sliding my fingers down a couple of branches. I cut 2″ off the bottom (straight across) just prior to placing the tree in the stand. I have only used lightweight ornaments and tiny lights. I snipped 4″ off the top center branch before placing the light weight wire star. Stand is sized at approx. 12″ across and 4-5″ deep. My tree is only 4 1/2′ tall. It’s a beautifully shaped tree, I would guess from a tree farm in Oregon.

Any advice would be appreciated. I’m about ready to go buy an artificial tree. HELP!
The tree still looks good but more needles fall off each day. There is no browning of needles on the tree at this time. I’ve purchased a tree for the last 35 years and have never had this experience.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 18, 2016

Sometimes a straight cut can actually cause the tree trunck to sit to flat on the bottom of a tree stand. A slight angel can allow for more surface area and not 'seal' the tree trunk against the bottom of the stand.
The link below has a few tips to help your tree.


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