Q.Christmas Cactus Help
I’ve watched your video several times and still haven’t found any answers. Quick back story for you. My husband’s closest friend/mentor Bob passed away suddenly in Nov 2019. We went over to visit his wife Karen of 50+ years. She was going to be packing up to go south for the winter like her and her husband did every year. My husband told her that if she needs anything to please let us know. Well turns out she has a Christmas cactus that she’s had for many many years that when she leaves for the winter she would take it to a nursery. She asked me to take it for her. I was petrified but said that I would. I’m not a plant person whatsoever. I even did lots of reading and tried to get as much info as possible so I could keep it alive until she returns. Fast forward through winter and she returns around the Beginning stages of the pandemic. I periodically sent her pics of the plant while she was gone. Thankful that I didn’t kill it and it did indeed bloom. Shortly after she got back to Wisconsin she fell ill. The doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her so they didn’t know how to treat her. Sadly she ended up passing away. And I never got to return her beautiful plant to her. Most people that knew them believe she basically died from a broken heart. She feels like she the blame for Bob’s passing. Karen suffered a heart attack and when Bob found her she was pretty much gone. But he refused to stop doing CPR. She luckily made a full recovery after that. And then Bob’s health deteriorated drastically after that. He wasn’t able to eat or sleep worrying and watching her sleep to make sure she didn’t have another heart attack. That stress was extremely hard and took a toll on him. So I now inherited this plant. Her kids both said that they would want us to have it. I’m not sure if it’s doing ok or not. It has not bloomed yet this winter. And there’s little “roots” that seem to sporadically on the plant. I’ve read that it’s searching for more light but I don’t believe that’s correct. I’m confused because I see numerous places that it forms more and more little “stems” so I think it’s ok. I’m asking you if you would be able to tell me what your thoughts are. It can’t be struggling and thriving at the same time can it?? I apologize for writing you in such great lengthy detail but I’m terrified of killing it. It’s the only thing my husband has left of theirs. Below are the most recent pics If you can take a look at this and please let me know it would be very appreciated
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Christmas cactus is a common plant to pass down to family members who are terrified of losing it. They really are pretty easy to keep alive as long as you don't overwater. Wait till the soil is dry before watering again. The little roots are aerial roots that the plant puts out to help anchor itself. They are epiphytic plants in their native environment where they grow attached to trees and rocks. They get their moisture and nutrients mostly from the air and surroundings (but not the host plant).
Here are some articles that should tell you all about their care, repotting, blooming, etc.