Q.Christmas Cactus Drop Part of Fronds
My Christmas cactus continues to lose part of its fronds. I find them laying on the table daily. What am I doing wrong? I want to make it rebloom. I have my A/C on 24/7 due to my COPD. I Live in an apt. and the only place I have to place it for darkness to try to get it to bloom is in a clothes closet. The only window I have is where the morning sun comes in, so I have it sitting in the middle of the room. Any help would be much appreciated.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is likely being watered too often. Christmas cactus should not be watered regularly, but rather should be checked regularly to see if they need water. They only need to be watered if the soil is dry to the touch.

I have several Christmas cactus that live all year on my front porch, which faces west. I live in West Central Florida. I never move them to any darker spots, so if the porch light is on, it's on; if the street light is on, it's on, not right over our house it's true, more like 200', with a tree in the way. The point is, every year they bud, and by christmas time they're all flowering. The moral of the story is, I have serious questions about the usual advice to put them in closets, Just sayin'.