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Christmas Cactus Plants

Q.christmas cactus

Zone 60131 | Anonymous added on April 10, 2018 | Answered

Hi its me again, when I reply back to your reply to me do you see it or do i have to always come back here and ask my questions???

My last question was about charcoal and you replied yes its fine to use. I also asked about humidity tray you replied its fine if my house is dry…..my question was specific to the article I read I will copy and paste it:

also last but not least, in one of the links above (in my email), I think its the first one, to create more humidity, the article states:

Placing a tray of pebbles filled with water beneath the Christmas cactus container is a good way to add more humidity to the home.

won’t the pot the christmas cactus is in absorb the water? I also read that only put some water below the pepples to keep the christmas cactus from being wet.

won’t the pot the christmas cactus is in absorb the water? I also read that only put some water below the pepples to keep the christmas cactus from being wet?????

This is what I’m doing for right now…..I have 2 containers one on each side of my plant filled with water is this good????

Thank you very much for your patience, I know I’m a piece of work.

thank you again and again


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 11, 2018

This article discusses how to raise the humidity levels around plants.


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