Q.Chipmunks Making Burrows In Berm
recently created a 40 ft long berm and then planted a row of 6 ft tall arborvitae and hemlock in order to create a privacy hedge. Chipmunks are now making holes (burrows i assume) into the berm and some burrows are near the roots of the shrubs/trees. Will these critters damage the shrubs/trees in any way, and if so, is there any way to discourage this behavior? BTW, we have a lot of chipmunks on the property!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
These little guys can do quite a bit of damage unfortunately. Trapping them, humanely dispatching them, prevention with either chemicals or natural things like pepper, and leading them away from your berm will be necessary and needs to be consistent. These articles will go into more detail.