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Chinese Fringe Flowers

Q.chinese fringe bush

Zone Richmond, VA | jamieroosball@gmail.com added on March 11, 2016 | Answered

I planted six of these last year in front of my house. They get full sun most of the day. They looked great for months after I planted them. However, now a few of them are starting to turn brown and look like they are dying. I did not prune them in the fall, although they were getting kind of wispy, but was planning on pruning them soon (early spring). Could that be why they are turning brown, or should I admit defeat and come to terms that some of them have died?

Thanks for any help/advice you have to offer!
Jamie Ball

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 12, 2016

Check the watering levels. Though the Chinese Fringe are quite drought tolerable, they may not be established enough.
Adding some hardwood mulch will help with moisture retention.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.


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