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China Doll Plants

Q.China Doll Plant Losing Leaves

Zone 16635 | Subbbu added on October 10, 2021 | Answered

we bought this plant from a store and kept it close to a window . However in 4 days it is showing signs of loss of leaves . We have watered it once in 2 days . Is this something to worry about ? How do we revive it ? Can you guide us ? It’s Losing about 10 leaves in a day . But other leaves look healthy Can we keep it in direct sunlight ? If yes how many hours per day … please help us. Highly highly appreciate ur time in advance

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 11, 2021

This happens with any small change. Likely, the conditions in your house are different than the conditions where the plant was before. They are very sensitive. Providing the best care will give it the best chance of acclimating to your home. This article will help:


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