Q.Chile peppers
I have 4 containers that currently are growing 3 ghost pepper plants each and I want to separate them into individual pots. Is that possible or have the roots become too intertwined? (they’ve been growing in those pots together for over a year)
I also had some nice scorpion moruga seedlings that reached about 1/2 foot and when I transplanted them into my garden they stopped growing. They never died but never matured, grew, or anything. Got any ideas?

It is very possible they are intertwined, especially if the size container they are in is on the smaller side. With patience and a gentle hand you should be able to tease them apart.
Soak your plants by covering the pots in water and extract them from the pots after about 15 minutes. Gently wash the dirt off the roots and gingerly pry them apart.
How are you caring for your moruga in terms of watering and fertilization? Are they planted in well-draining soil in a sunny locale? I recommend that you review the care of morugas at the following link and see if there is anything you can do differently: