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Q.Chickweed Perennial

Anonymous added on March 21, 2014 | Answered

I used a landscaper for two seasons and found that his equipment had dropped weed seeds onto my lawn. Most I have taken care of over the past 3 seasons, but this Chickweed keeps coming back. I have nearly 20, 000 sq. ft of lawn, so pulling them has been awful. I purchased Scotts Weed and Feed as well as spot treated with Weed-Be-Gone. Again, this year I see the little creeps popping up again. Less then previous years, but still here. I live in New York, on Long Island, and my lawn is a mix of Blues, fescues and rye.

Normally, it looks very well, except the early spring when the chickweed is showing. When the weather gets warm, I find they die off, but by then they created open bare spots. How can I get rid of them forever? I now mow myself again, and wash the mower and edger after each use. I do not connect lawns with any neighbors, as there are wooded lots between us. The closest lawn is across the street, so I am not to concerned with contaminating my neighbors’ yards, nor should I be picking up weeds from them. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. The growing season is just starting, so again I want to do all I can to rid these pests.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 21, 2014
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