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Cherry Trees

Q.Cherry Tree Very Sick ?

Zone Bristol BS48 2UF | Anonymous added on April 9, 2022 | Answered

Hi. My 26 year old flowering cherry tree acted rather strangely last year it’s flowers were beautiful and suddenly the leaves drooped and never recovered I assumed it was due to the hot spell of weather we had. However the leaves didn’t come off until end December. Looking online it sounds like leaf scorch, but so far there is only a bit of life at the top of the tree and nothing lower down. I have fed and watered it the last few weeks but no life. Do you think it would be dead, should I give it more time before deciding to have it removed? I hope it’s having a rest ?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 11, 2022

You can scrape off some bark on the stems and if it is green underneath it is still alive. Yours does not look good, however.

It may have just been getting on in years. They are considered short-lived trees. There is a fungal disease that causes limb dieback that is very common in these trees. If it hasn't leafed out by June, I would consider replacing it.


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