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Cherry Trees

Q.cherry tree problem

Zone Wrea Green, near Preston, Lancashire | Anonymous added on May 27, 2017 | Answered

We have a small ornamental cherry tree which has suffered the same problem last Spring and again this Spring. The flowers and leaves on a middle section of each branch are dead, looking brown,dry and shrivelled. The section of the branches nearest the trunk looks fine as does the outer half of the branches. It is just the section about 15″ long, starting about 12″ away from the trunk that looks dead. The tree is in a sheltered place so shouldn’t suffer from weather conditions. Soil is fairly dry. Have you any idea what is wrong and how we can treat it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 28, 2017

Cherry Trees can fall to several different diseases.

Cherry Eutypa dieback, Brown Rot and Black Knot.

The link below can help you with identification.


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