Q.Cherry Tomatoes Bursting Open While Turning Red
My cherry tomatoes and roma tomatoes are bursting open when turning red. I water them frequently. They are in a Topsy-Turvy container. The plants are healthy and growing well. I potted them in Miracle Gro potting soil that states it fertilizes for 3 months. I’m confused. Maybe I’m not feeding them enough. Any suggestions?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is called cracking. Cracking occurs as the tomato nears maturity. Plants have periods where they might have very fast growth followed by slow growth and then fast again. These changes can cause fruit nearing maturation to crack. Wide fluctuations in temperature and moisture levels can also induce cracking. Maintaining a proper water management and regular fertilizer regimen should alleviate the problem, though it is inevitable nonetheless. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/tomato-cracking.htm